Board of Directors Approved 08/05/04
July 8, 2004
Present: Frisbie, Steiner, Hughes, Justus, Passalacqua, Wilson, Bardizbanian, Sullivan, Young, French, King, Capozzo, Sottana
Guest: Singer
The meeting commenced at 6:35 p.m.
Finance Committee - Les Singer
Singer was requested to discuss issues that may effect the non profit status of GVCC.  Among the concerns were non member use of the facilities, non member pro shop purchases, and various forms of possible advertisement.  Singer recommended to list all concerns and submit the list to a tax professional for clarification.
French motioned that a presentation be prepared for Board approval by the General Manager, the Finance Committee, Treasurer and President that will outline concerns regarding Club activities in certain areas that relate to the non profit (501.C.7) and private status of Green Valley Country Club.  If approved, the presentation will be submitted to our auditors PKF for comment and opinion.  Approval of the DVD production at the June 3, 2004 Board of Directors meeting is hereby cancelled and will be revisited only after receiving an opinion regarding the presentation in its entirety.  King seconded, the motion failed.
Yes: King, French, Steiner, Hughes
No: Bardizbanian, Justus, Passalacqua, Sulllivan, Young
French amended the motion that the DVD that has been previously approved by the Board will be put on hold until the Board has received the recommendation and comments from the auditors.  If a satisfactory opinion is made by the auditors, the Board will move forward with the DVD production.  King seconded.  The motion unanimously carried.
Procedure for Board Consideration
In order to have a reasonable time to consider various matters of importance to GVCC, the below listed items shall be submitted to the General Manager at least two weeks before the Board meeting at which they will be considered.
1. Request for funds that have not been included in the current years operation budget.
2. Request for funds to be spent from the Capital Improvement Fund.  Such requests should be limited to Capital Improvements where possible.
3. Items which are being planned for distribution to members and or the general public.
4. All matters which have serious implications in the operation of GVCC.
Minutes Of June 3, 2004
Bardizbanian motioned to approve, King seconded.  The motion carried.
Master Plan Phase 2
Contracts for the irrigation system design (Russ Mitchell & Associates) and greens rebuilding construction drawings (Graves & Pascuzzo) have been issued.  The details for the SID water supply contract are expected to be finalized the first week of August.
Management of Projects: The Board is discussing who should oversee the management of the projects to assure we stay on budget.  They also discussed ways to communicate the progress with committees and the membership.
Treasurer's Report

Green: The old well located at the end of the driving range is not in use at this time due to equipment failure.  The well pump needs to be pulled to analyze the equipment and condition of the shaft, seals, pump bowl and casing.  The new well is in full use and programed to boost the water supply as needed through the night.
Re-paving the emergency access road behind the cart sheds has been completed.  Road stripes and lane markers need to be installed.  The access road will open the weekend of July10, 2004.
Several greens are experiencing problems with the anthracnose fungus.  This fungus usually infects the greens in August but became active sooner due to the early season heat and sprinkler heads not working correctly in these areas.  Story is taking aggressive action to keep an upper hand on the disease, however, the recovery period will take time.
Frisbie is talking with several members regarding chairing the Green Committee.  A decision will be announced soon.  The Board will schedule a Green Committee meeting this month to keep the committee members updated on the construction progress.

Golf: The committee obtained a bid of $3,000 to install a phone on #9 tee.  The Board recommends that funds for the phone be submitted for the 2005 C.I.F.
Anniversary Invitational: Bardizbanian motioned that a letter be sent to the team whose scorecard was found to have discrepancies.  The letter is to state that the Board is aware of the infraction and will take action should it happen again.  Justus seconded.  The motion carried.  The Board decided not to take disciplinary action at this time as the group was given an opportunity to withdraw from the tournament and did so immediately.

Tennis: The committee updated the tennis policy and procedures for Board approval.  The committee would like to change the wording in the "green book" regarding guest usage to: "not to exceed three (3) times per month."  This change in wording will allow members to bring a guest on the week day or weekend.  Hughes motioned to approve the committee's recommendation of member guest usage.  Sullivan seconded.  The motion carried.  The Board would like the committee to add the following wording under the Dress Code section: "Players and Spectator."

Membership: A written apology from the committee chairman regarding the Golf Guide ad was submitted to the Board.  The committee requested funds for 1,000 advertising brochures on the benefits of membership at GVCC.  The request was tabled as the Board wanted an opportunity to review the information in the brochure.

Pool & Fitness: Several Fitness Center orientations have been scheduled for the membership with various fitness trainers.  The trainers will demonstrate how to use the equipment and answer questions members may have on fitness.  The orientation schedule has been posted around the Club.

Membership Sales & Notation
Prospective Members: Larry & Barbara Azevedo, Steve Balassi, Robert & Marcia Barnett.  French motioned to approve, Passalacqua seconded.  The motion carried.
A member on the selling list who was one of the three lowest for sale, and was matched with a prospective member removed the sale of his membership.  In accordance with the Notice To Sell form, his account will be charged $2,500 and he will not be able to re-submit his membership for sale for 90 days.
The member is requesting that his account not be charged the $2,500.  After a discussion on the process of membership sales, the Board regretfully declined the request.
The prospective member will be offered the next lowest priced member.  Should the prospective member decline, the Board will return the deposit and the prospective member may re-apply at a later date.
Minimum Selling Price and Transfer Fee
The minimum selling price and transfer fee are to remain the same.  The minimum selling price is $15,000 and the transfer fee is sixty percent to the selling member and forty percent to the Club with a minimum of $12,500.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Jeff Wilson, Secretary